Friday, 30 August 2013

Friday finishes

I have at last finished my June and July
 CQJP2013 use this for a link 
Most of the stitches used are from Sharon at pintangle link here
June used a variety of stitches relating to chain stitch.
Basque, tulip, zigzag chain, zigzag detached chain, crested chain, 2 attempts at buttonholed double chain.  
close up
July the stitch theme chosen was cretan with a few others thrown in. I actually designed some of the seams on paper and I think that has produced a better design. The stitches are starting to improve as well.
cretan, laced cretan, ........  star, detached chain and french knots to decorate between the cretan stitches.

Top laced cretan right  2 rows of cretan, left star.

I am trying to link this to Pippa's Patch  we just share the same name blog here
She is hosting  "TGIFF" with a prize from  sewsweetness. 

Fingers crossed this has only taken me 2 hours to write........

Monday, 26 August 2013

Chair finished

Well a few days late but here is what I have been working on.
It was a chair that belonged to a much loved Great Aunt and boy is it comfortable. 
This is what it looked like at the beginning of the week.
All needs to be sanded and polished

The canvas was torn and faded.

Finished chair. I sanded the woodwork and polished it with a home made mixture of beeswax mixed with sunflower oil and lavender oil. The recipe did say extra virgin olive oil but I used the last bit yesterday, so used what I had and it looks and feels wonderful. 
This how it closes up and takes up no room at all. Sent a photo of it to my sister and she said I should have not have used a predominately white fabric as it will get dirty, that was all she said. I like it white.
My son goes back to Australia tomorrow evening I will take him to Gatwick Airport. He and his girlfriend have been in London all day today went up to the Carnival, still waiting for them to come home. 
Wednesday I will busy myself with washing and cleaning as that is what I do when I am stressed and I will be until I get an e mail to say they are safe in Australia 24 hour journey. My house will be sparking. I may try a bit of sewing not sure what to do next.
Hope you all had a good weekend.  

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Work in Progress

Thought I would have a change and have a go at something new. So here is my work in progress. I will hopefully show the end result at the weekend.
I have been playing with my new sewing machine.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

April and May CQJP

April CQJP

I used the coats book of Embroidery by Mary Gostelow
All Buttonhole stitches. German knotted, Up and down, Crossed, Closed, Taylor's.

Top knotted buttonhole, Coral stitch, Crested Chain stitch, Rosette stitch, Diamond stitch.