Saturday, 2 February 2013

Last weeks work

Flexible Tetrahedron Ring Toy

A member of our group showed us how to make this toy it turns and turns.

This is the same toy from a different angle it is brilliant fun.

 This is where I am at with my crazy quilt I have knotted feather stitch Inverted feather stitch I have had a go at lattice work. 
Need to finish it this week.

Finally photo of my grandchildren and my best friend Poppy a lab cross pointer. She has a grey mussel but only 7 black dogs tend to go grey quickly


  1. wow, those toys look great and our black lab went white on his muzzle overnight, probably when he was about 7 too :)

  2. the toy looks interesting, are you going to give us some instructions?
    Like the quilt block Pippa, very in keeping with all the snowy weather we have had recently.
    I can now picture you walking with Poppy in the morning after seeing her photo, your grandchildren too of course.

  3. super toy that you sewed up! and I love the precious photo of the grandchildren and your best friend :) Your quilt block is looking very pretty - and I so appreciate you writing on my blog of your mom's definition of crazy quilt - that helped immensely, and I began working on February's block with some pieces from a charm pack :) thank you again :)

  4. The toy looks pretty neat and very nicely put together. Your stitches are looking great on your crazy quilt. We had a black lab named Rex and he went white around his muzzle too as he got older. Lovely pictures Pippa :)
